Friday, 21 March 2008

This Day

I absolutely love this song. The lyrics really help me to change my focus. Just thought I'd share it with you...

Sung by Point Of Grace

This day is fragile - soon it will end
And once it has vanished, it will not come again
So let us love with a love pure and strong
Before this day is gone

This day is fleeting when it slips away
Not all our money can buy back this day
So let us pray that we might be a friend
Before this day is gone

This day is fleeting
When it slips away
Not all our money can buy back this day
So let us pray that we might be a friend
Before this day is spent

This day we're given is golden
Let us show love
This day is ours for one moment
Let us sow love

This day is frail - it will pass by
So before it's too late to recapture the time
Let us share love, let us share God
Before this day is gone
Before this day is gone

It Keeps Going and Going and Going..

It just keeps going, and going, and going...

No, I'm not talking about the Energizer Bunny. I'm referring to my state of affairs. My last lengthy post told of the misfortunes I'd been experiencing the past few months. Well, the journey through hell continues...
The past two weeks have left me emotionally raw.
I have been betrayed by a friend (my boss) and harassed by a co-worker. I've confronted the co-worker...hopefully that will be the end of it. My boss came through with the end result, but the round-about way she arrived at it left me wishing I'd been denied the previledge in the first place. I have no clue what kind of a game she was playing! It was so transparent anyone could have seen through it.
All of this has taken the drive right out of me. I'm the kind of person who gives 110%; I go way above and beyond the call of duty. I used to love what I do. My heart is no longer in it. I feel like just a shell at work--it is a completely foreign feeling to me.
I don't really know what lies ahead. I guess I'll just have to wait and see (and hope it is better than where I am right now!!)

Friday, 8 February 2008

Businessman Has Meltdown in Hotel Lobby

I thought I'd add some humour to the mix...check out this video of a guy having a meltdown in a hotel lobby. Note the time in the lower portion of the video--the whole thing happens between 7:37 and 8:04am...I think he got up on the wrong side of the bed!!
And, yes, that is the laptop and cell phone he hurls near the end of the video.


Jesus Will Still Be There

This song has impacted my life so many times over the years. I thought I'd share it here:

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

When the Lights Went Out...

It's been a while since I last wrote, I know. Lots has been happening.

One word sums it up: Life.

Yup, it's amazing what life can throw your way at times.
I had to leave my new job after only 2 1/2 months. It was too stressful for me. That combined with the illness of a family member (who's back to normal now, thank heaven!), building stress over a span of 5 months, and all the other daily stressors came together and made a perfect setting for an event that turned my life upside down for a while.

The setting: the hospital (at least I was in the right place!)--I was with my family visiting my Grandpa who had just had a major operation. Feeling kind of funny, I decided to sit down. Good thing! I no sooner sat in the chair when I felt the blood drain from my head. Before I had a chance to get my head between my knees, my hearing went, my vision went, and then I went. Yup, I blacked out.

But I couldn't do your normal collapse and go limp faint...Nope, I had to stretch out and go stiff so that it looked more like a seizure.

Well, they took me down to Emerg and after what seemed like 50 tests and 3 hours later, I was released with a clean bill of health. I'd had what they call an 'extreme faint'--nothing to worry about.

Problem was, it left me so drained and weak that I found it that much more difficult to work. Me, who is never sick or away from work, missed about 7 days of work in a 2 1/2 week period. On the advice of my doctor, I had to resign from my position and take some time off.

The time off turned out to be great--I was given the opportunity to go to the sunny South to recuperate on the beach in Florida. Now that's living!!! And it did the trick--for a while.

Since returning back to reality here at home, I have started a new job (back the beginning of November), been under extreme stress again, and been betrayed by a very close family member.

To put it mildly, since my last post in the middle of the summer, I have been through hell.

It hasn't been a fun journey, I'll tell ya! But through it all I still cling to the hope that in the end it will all work out for the better.